May 2021

19th May, 2021: the main topic “Job interviews“
1) Opening – an outline of the session was given
2) Speech of the head of VBS Schotten (Norbert Schwing)
3) Brainstorming on What is important in job interviews? – Students‘ answers appeared in a “Word Cloud“ in a Mentimeter presentation
4) Criteria for a successful job interview – With the help of a Kahoot quiz, participants found out all about it
5) The expert about job interviews – some further advice for us…
6) Students started preparing job interviews in international teams.
Methodology: brainstorming; building a “Word Cloud”; Kahoot! game to learn about a successful job interview; pairwork.

20th May, 2021: the main topic “Job interviews. Workshops.“
1) Opening – an outline of the meeting was given
2) Presentations of German-Estonian job interviews (live role plays)
3) With the criteria from the last meeting in mind, participants had to decide who was the most successful interviewee (Mentimeter).
4) Introducing the Workshops: Geographical/-logical features of regions; Poster/flier (; Dancing Covid away; Office Design (
5) Students made their choices on the workshops and were divided into the groups according to their choices.
6) Students attended Workshops for an hour
7) Conclusion – participants presented their works and summarised what they learnt in few words
Methodology: Live role-plays of job interviews, giving feedback to the interviews, learning about local regions, learning and teaching about making posters/fliers, making a dancing video, designing offices; group work, summarising the main points and showing the outcomes of the workshops.
Results: Job interviews (added into the business ideas slides), posters “Local Enterprises”/ fliers “Getting work for summer”, a dancing video, office designs, summarising the similarities and differences of the regions.

21th May, 2021: Local enterprises. Good practices.
1) Opening – an outline of the session was given
2) Voting for the common logo and announcing the winner
3) Learning about local enterprises in Germany and in Estonia (posters, presentations)
4) Local enterpreneurs
5) Sharing good practices about (one-day) placement(s) in Germany and job shadowing in Estonia
6) Ideas for a common Ebook
7) Conclusion
Methodology: Voting for the best logo (, PPT presentations, public speaking, word documents
Results: a common logo, PPT presentations about local enterprises and good practices.